ICT SmartPoints

With ICT SmartPoints, communication and advertising materials for trade fairs, events and retail finally become digital!

Visitors receive a ScanCard that they can use to individually memorize all the topics or products that are relevant to them. Using a personalized code, they can then access their memorized information via mobile device or PC.

As a digital solution, ICT SmartPoints is at the same time a valuable component for information acquisition for you as an exhibitor. SmartPoints data not only shows which topics and products are particularly popular, but also which days and times of the trade fair were particularly busy or which routes visitors prefer to take. The optional registration function can even generate qualitative leads.

Visitors receive a ScanCard with which they can individually "remember" all the topics and products that are relevant to them. The ScanCard is simply held up to a ScanPoint and the selected topic is saved. To retrieve the collected topics and products, one only has to scan the QR code or enter the URL and ID. An optional registration is possible before accessing the content. For quick access, all bookmarked information is presented clearly and attractively. The watch list can also be easily shared with colleagues. www.ict.de A real-time dashboard with freely sortable graphical widgets and the option to export data provides

Exhibitors:inside the full overview to:
+ Popularity of topics and products
+ visitor frequency
+ Visitor itineraries
+ All filterable by trade fair or event days.

Visitor interactions can be used to generate valuable leads and customer insights for marketing. The website with the content can be flexibly adapted to the requirements of the customers:
+ flexible content quantities (texts and/or images)
+ design can be based on the customer's own corporate design (ECO+ or LEADS+)
+ freely selectable web address The ScanCards can also be designed in the customer's own corporate design.


// Datenblatt

Project details

Advantages for users:inside

  • Personalized collection of specific information as an overview
  • Quick access to the information through QR code
  • Application optionally multilingual
  • Real-time update of scans
  • Quick distribution to colleagues
  • No brochures


Advantages for exhibitors

  • Sustainable stand management, through the avoidance of paper
  • Real-time data collection with user interest range - anonymous or personalized
  • DSGVO compliant data processing
  • Whitelabel solution with own branding
  • Individualization according to wishes and requirements are possible.
Further references
72 FDP Federal Party Congress 01

FDP federal party conference

#NieGabEsMehrZuTun This was the motto of the 72nd Federal Party Congress of the FDP from 14 - 16 May. This year, the event took place in the STATION Berlin.

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