Hybrid Studio Berlin

The HYBRID STUDIO BERLIN in the former malt factory of the Schulheiss brewery combines the charm of a historic industrial location.

Equipped with the latest digital technology, it is ideal for product launches, press conferences, panel discussions and music videos.

We attach great importance to the staging of your event. We take care of all organisational and technical matters. From a small web conference to a big TV show. All conceivable formats can be staged with a unique look.

The HYBRID STUDIO BERLIN offers all digital and hybrid events the right space for the fast and agile implementation of your events. Digital and hybrid conferences, switchboard talks, live streams, press conferences, panel discussions, product launches, music events and much more.

We send your messages directly and without detours into the world. READY -GO.


Click here for our Hybrid Network

Project details

Location: Berlin Tempelhof
Size: 425 sqm
Ceiling height: 5.60 m - 6.40 m
Team: Up to 25 crew members
Audience: Normal 600 people, Covid compliant 50 people
Delivery: Direct access by truck


Further references
ZF Booth LED Tunnel 05

ZF - LED Tunnel

ZF trade fair stand - IAA Here everything revolves around innovations in automated driving - innovatively staged with versatile media technology. The first eye-catcher

siemens innotrans 20220922 075752 sz 2250 large

SIEMENS - InnoTrans

SIEMENS - InnoTrans. Trade fair challenge with outstanding result. #DestinationDigital is the hashtag Siemens Mobility coins for its digital and sustainable solutions in the field of mobility. The

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Nokia MWC 2023

Real highlight: Nokia presents the new logo at MWC Barcelona. As part of the project, we provided the steel construction for the approximately 36 m long,

MAR2020 Wacken hat 01

Mercedes-Benz - Retail Stores

MEDIA TECHNOLOGY AS PART OF MAR2020 More and more vehicle models and the desire of end customers for digital support also led to the increased use of media technology at Mercedes