BackToLive with @ZF Group at IAA Mobility 2021 in Munich:

"Next Generation Mobility. Now." was the clear message of the trade show appearance.

The illuminated LED banners made the stand a real eye-catcher. In addition, our high-resolution LED surface incl. satellite LED perfectly staged the technology group's "software defined vehicle".

Five Ultrastretch monitors each allowed visitors to explore one element of the main theme: intelligent Mobility, Electric Mobility, Autonomous Mobility, Safe Mobility and Sustainable Mobility.

A special highlight: The round high-resolution LED table, which was not only visually convincing but also offered visitors the opportunity to interact.

We were also able to equip the meeting and conference zones as well as the press conference with interpreting technology, teleprompter and streaming for four live streams.

Project details

- LED surfaces: 1.9 mm at concept car synchronisation
LED surfaces 2.6 mm as banner
- Product presentations via 5 88" upright ultrastretch monitors with synchronous feed
- Round interactive LED table 200 cm diameter with 1.9 mm LED modules.
Over 30 displays in the meeting zone with central feed.
- Provision of team components in meeting rooms.
Sound reinforcement for the public areas.

- Set-up/supervision of Interpreting technology in 3 languages
- Streaming of 4 live streams in different languages
- Teleprompter incl. preview monitors

Further references

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